18 September 2013

Harry Potter Studios

If you know me well enough, you know that Harry Potter is a major part of my life. I read the first book when I was 10 and twelve years later I still have a wonderful obsession with the series. 

While in London, my mom and I were dying to take a trip to the Warner Brothers Studios. After managing the underground and the overground (not so effortlessly), we somehow made it just in time for our ticket slots. 

If you are planning to take a trip to see the studio for yourself, I highly encourage you to NOT scroll on. It is an experience that everyone should enjoy to the fullest on their own :)

On another note I am back in Bristol! School doesn't start for a couple of weeks so I plan on using this time to explore my new city!

England, I love you, but I'm cold. How do you even work a radiator? 


  1. Ahh I love Harry Potter! It's a dream of mine to go there one day, it looks so amazing!

  2. What a lovely trip! My husband and I made it out to Universal Studios a couple of years ago and went to the Harry Potter park and loved it. We're already planning on going back once they finish up Diagon Alley. :)

    1. I haven't been to the Harry Potter park yet but would LOVE to go! I absolutely love amusement parks!


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