22 October 2013

Medieval Church | Broomfield, Somerset

On my visit to Somerset, I was lucky enough to be accompanied by one of my history professors and a fellow history MA student. Knowing my speciality is medieval history, my professor made us stop at St. Mary with St. Leonard, a medieval church located in Broomfield, Somerset. 

The church was first built by the Romans. A small portion of the church still stands from the original Roman building. Major additions to the church were made in the 12th, 14th, and 15th century. Unfortunately, due to the uneasy years of the Commonwealth in the 17th century, the church began to crumble and fall. By 1870 however, the church had begun a restoration process, returning to its full glory.

I couldn't get over the tranquility I felt while wandering around the grounds.
Broomfield was the polar opposite of Bristol. There were no cars, no buses, and no kids running around screaming. I'm a city girl, and although I found rural Somerset to be relaxing, I was happy to come back to the hustle and bustle of Bristol.

My trip to Broomfield was the first of a few day trips I have planned out before Christmas. If you have any suggestions of places I just have to visit, let me know!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Sara, this seriously looks so peaceful! What a beautiful place to wander around :)

  2. Wow, so beautiful!! I could just imagine birds chirping away and leaves rustling nearby!

  3. I absolutely loved the cathedral in Canterbury. just breath taking.

  4. If you haven't already planned it , Go to Bath. Plenty of history to be seen.

    1. I have a little trip to Bath planned in early December! :)

  5. What a cute church! It still blows me away to see how old things are in Europe.


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