29 November 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Instead of my weekly "Thoughts From Abroad", I decided to make a post dedicated solely to my first Thanksgiving in England.
I'm not going to lie, Thanksgiving this year was hard. Having said that, I think this has been the first year I have truly appreciated the holiday. I now live in a country where not only did I have to attend class on Thanksgiving, but I also had to prepare a meal on my own. There was no turkey, no football, and no family. 
However, I am thankful for so many things this year. I feel so blessed to be living out my dreams, and sacrificing Thanksgiving in Texas was just a small price I had to pay. So here are a few things I am thankful for:

+ My parents who have supported me in my move abroad.

+ My sister who is rocking her sophomore year at Tech.

+ The other MA History students. They've helped me so much in adjusting to life here in England.

+ My friends who Snapchat me like crazy, making sure I don't miss a thing.

+ The volunteer position I have at the museum. I am gaining experience I need for my future career, and having a lot of fun doing it. 

+ My faith, which has helped me overcome any struggles I have faced in my move.

+ Mission Burrito which gives me my Mexican food fix whenever I need it. 

+ This little blogging community I have become a part of. 

+ The education I am receiving here at the University of Bristol. Sure, my life would be a lot less stressful if I wasn't doing a masters, but life would be far less interesting!

I'm off to London for a wonderful weekend getaway!
How was everyone else's Thanksgiving?


  1. The first holiday away is always the hardest and then two is much easier and then just when you think I have this the third one is mega hard!

  2. As I lay my head down to sleep tonight, I am thinking of you Sara. Christmas break is coming soon, and we can't wait to have you under this roof, and in our arms again. xoxo


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