11 November 2013

Throwback | Scotland

I'm attempting to organize my life.
And when I say life, I mean the 'Travel' page of my blog. 
Most of the countries I have visited were pre-Bristol in my Pocket. I thought long and hard about how I should include some of those travels, and it dawned on me: Throwbacks.
So grab a cup of tea and enjoy the lovely pictures of me in my awkward years.

July 2011: Age 20. 

While studying abroad in London, I had the opportunity to go with some classmates on a weekend trip to Scotland. To this day, Scotland is one of my favorite travel experiences. 

Although it was raining most of the trip, we were able to travel across the entire country. Our guide was a local, doing our tour as a favor he owed to a friend. He was extremely knowledgable, and had that Scottish flare that really just added to the experience.  It was an exhausting weekend, but completely worth it. 


St. Andrews

Cairngorms National Park



 Glen Coe



  1. Gah I want to go so badly! Especially after Ireland, I know I'd love Scotland just as much!


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