24 January 2014

Thoughts From Abroad | Part 15

1) I started eating meat again (after two years of being a pescatarian). Yesterday I had a fried egg burger with peanut butter on it. 

2) I met Brendan Cole. He's a dancer on Strictly Come Dancing and unfortunately I had no idea who he was until someone told me.

3) We've had a mixture of amazing and dreadful weather lately. Rainy days = a very unproductive Sara.

4) The University of Bristol has an American football team. Words can not describe how happy this makes me.

5) It's been 4 months since I moved to England and I still don't understand why the letter Z is pronounced Zed...

6) What I'd give for a little beach time right now. Anybody want to fly me to Australia?

7) I made fajitas... and they were delicious. Why am I always talking about food?

8) I know I said this last week, but I really need to start thinking about my dissertation.

9) Classes officially start on Tuesday. While doing absolutely nothing has been fun, I'm ready to get back to reality. I've been in the library pretty much all day preparing for the upcoming week. Yay for being productive!

10) Thank you everyone who commented and showed me love for Bristol Vibes! It's nice to change up the pace every now and then. If you haven't see it yet, watch it here.

And so the semester begins.
Happy Friday!


  1. I think it might just be an American thing to say Z like Zee instead of Zed. I know in Canada technically we are supposed to say Zed but most people (at least those close to the American border) say Zee. I'm not really sure why it is pronounced differently, or when it started to be pronounced differently.

    1. It completely confused me the first time I heard it. I was like "What the hell is a Zed?" Lol.

  2. I accidentally stumbled across your blog and instantly loved the dreamy vagabond-y vibe! I'm definitely keeping my eye on it <3 cheers from a fellow rain-induced-procrastinator :D


  3. Ahhh books they are so lovely and really not such a bad thing to be surrounded by!

  4. There's an american football team at the local university here too and I love it!


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