29 January 2014


- a strong desire to travel.

In 2011 I packed my bags and moved to London. While the move was only for the summer, my experiences studying abroad changed my life forever. I had been bitten by the wanderlust bug, which ultimately led to my return to England just four months ago.

When I returned to the states, I was craving travel. I felt this overwhelming urge to pack my bags and drop myself into another culture. I wanted to see more and do more! But I was not the only one. I learned very quickly that my fellow American and Canadian friends who had studied with me in London were restless at home as well. 

Overall, we experienced a feeling of not fitting in with our home culture. We were in this limbo, knowing there was a whole world out there to be explored and conquered. There was something so thrilling about living in another country, and coming home proved to be very anticlimactic. As for me, I was beginning to develop a resentment towards aspects of daily life that were being taken for granted. When I moved back to England, I finally felt at ease. My constant craving for culture and history was filled. 

I was not the first or last person in my 2011 study abroad program to make a life changing move. A significant amount of us packed our bags for new surroundings.

Texas to England.

Canada to Australia. 
Michigan to California.
North Carolina to Kentucky. 
Florida to England. 
Canada to New Zealand.
North Carolina to England.

I don't know if there was something in the water at that university in London, but we were all bit with the wanderlust bug. There's something special about a person who leaves the comfort of their home to create a new life somewhere else. It makes me incredibly happy knowing I have friends across the globe creating successful lives of their own. 

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I did a study abroad program in 2005, moved to England on a work visa in 2008, and then moved permanently to Sweden in 2011! You are so right it is addicting and wonderful and so hard to describe to others that do not feel the same compulsion!

    1. It's very easy to catch the wanderlust bug after studying abroad!

  2. I think that once you see the world, once you breathe it in day after day, a "normal" life is sort of off the table. While we now reside in the US, we definitely aren't living a "normal" life, nor do I think we ever will and wanderlust has a way of changing us from the inside out.

    1. I agree completely. It's so hard to stay put when there's so much to see and do!

  3. Once you start traveling, it's a slippery slope to never wanting to stop. Gotta experience all you can while you can :)

    1. Absolutely! As long as I'm willing able there's no stopping me from seeing the world!

  4. I did the same thing- studied abroad and moved back for two years of grad school!

    1. Isn't it just amazing how many people end up doing what we did?

  5. My study abroad experience in London is when my wanderlust started too! And now I live in London. I definitely feel that regardless where we all end up, those of us with international travel experience are true global citizens which will be so essential as the world becomes more globalized (ooh fancy International Relations term...good those couple of classes weren't worthless)!

    Also, I've really been enjoying your blog so I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! You can check out the full details at http://www.ayankinblighty.com/2014/01/first-month-blogging-check-and-liebster.html.

    1. Traveling is such a essential part of my life now! London is a great place to start your worldly adventures!


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