17 February 2014

Monday Morning Traditions

As a Southern sorority girl, traditions are important to me. When I first moved to England, everything was new and different. I had no sense of what my routine would be. 

My mom had come to England for a week in September to move me in. Not knowing where to go or what to do, we grabbed breakfast just up the road from my new flat in a place called Park Street Cafe. The staff were friendly and helpful, which was the welcoming feeling I needed in my new environment. 

Since that first breakfast in Park Street Cafe, I have tried to make an effort to go back every Monday morning. It has become a little tradition of mine. Obviously some days are busier than others and I don't always make it. But it's nice to walk into the cafe and the staff immediately put in my order without me even saying a word. 

Happy Monday!


  1. I love this! My Monday morning tradition is a cup of coffee + lemon scone from the coffee shop down the street. It's what gets me out of bed at 6am.

    1. Isn't it nice to have something to look forward to on Mondays? It always seems to start my week off right.

  2. I remember that morning too. Can't wait to go back, except next time I will say, "I'll have what she is having".

  3. Yes! I completely agree that traditions are super important. But maybe that's the Southern sorority girl in me as well! x

  4. I love having weekly traditions to have something to look forward to!

  5. It's nice having a tradition, especially when you are in a new place. It must feel good having the staff know your order. You are a regular!

  6. Mondays are the best days to have little traditions like this, I try to make myself a nice breakfast Monday to start my week off on a good note.

    1. Mondays can either make or break your week, so it's always nice to do something special.

  7. this pretty much looks like perfection. the best way to make a monday good is to have a little tradition for yourself (like a treat!). this is amazing and i wish i could join!
    ciao, xo

    1. The best day of the week to treat yourself is always Mondays! Just starts the week off right :)

  8. Awww this is lovely, wish I had time to do this sort of thing on a Monday! I agree with you ,little traditions are important.
    Lovely blog - would love if you'd have a little look at mine, follow on bloglovin if you like it and I'll follow back! xoxo
    The perks of being a hipster

  9. There's nothing more comforting abroad than a place to go to that knows you and your order!


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