07 February 2014

Thoughts From Abroad | Part 17

1) I've been nominated for the Top 100 International Exchange and Experience Blogs! Cool, right? You can vote for me HERE.

2) Broncos... Why?

3) To my surprise, there were about 100 American football fans in the bar when I showed up to watch the game. What surprised me even more was about 90% of them actually knew what was going on!

4) There were 80 Year 1 students at work on Monday. EIGHTY! For those Americans out there, Year 1 students are 4-5 years old. You can imagine how exhausted I was. 

5) I bought a hat. You know, those big black floppy ones. I feel like I should be a part of the coven in American Horror Story.

6) I'm spending way too much money time in cafes. I can't help it though, I'm addicted to coffee and brunch! 

7) Tanya Burr's new lip gloss line is amazing. I have to admit, the colors I ordered weren't exactly what I was expecting, but the quality of the products are fantastic. 

8) The Starbucks just down the street from me closed today. Yes, a Starbucks went out of business. While I'm sad to see it go, I completely understand why it happened. Bristolians are very supportive of local businesses and let's face it, local cafes have better coffee. 

9) I made myself chicken curry last night and it was fab! I have to pat myself on the back for that one because it was amazing. 

10) If you missed it last week, I'm officially offering Sponsorships! While my blog baby is still growing, I wanted to provide a cheap and easy way for newbies to get their name out there! 

Happy Friday!

Meet Van Berry

I'm a 22 year old student from Germany with the urge to see the world. I took a year off after my graduation to travel through Scandinavia and Britain before going to Uni again. I'd be glad if you follow me on my journeys through Northern Norway / The Arctic, Scotland, Sweden, The Baltic Region and maybe even further away..... Enjoy my travelogues and pictures on my blog, watch my travel videos on my youtube channel and enjoy my latest travel snapshots on Instagram.


Don't be shy, go check out her blog!


  1. Congratulations on your nomination, that is fantastic! I also think it is very cool to hear that local Mom 'N' Pop businesses are so backed by locals:) I kind of with it was more like that where I live.

    1. I completely agree, it's really cool that everyone here supports local businesses. It's not like that at all back where I'm from.

  2. Congratulations on your nomination! And I agree- it seems really surprising at first that so many English people watched the Superbowl this year, but the popularity of American football in England has really skyrocketed the past few years. Channel 4 even has a programme devoted to America football! x

    1. I was watching the Channel 4 program the other day! Lol, it cracked me up.

  3. Lovely to read a blog that features Bristol, I'm studying here too! At UWE though, not clever enough for UOB ;) Year 1 students would be 5-6 btw, Reception kids are 4-5! Totally understand the stress of all those kids though, my degree is in Early Childhood but doubting whether I want to be a teacher, don't know if I could cope with all those little ones haha! Lovely blog, keep it coming :)


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