12 February 2014

Throwback | Mexico

I'm attempting to organize my life.
And when I say life, I mean the 'Travel' page of my blog. 
Most of the countries I have visited were pre-Bristol in my Pocket. I thought long and hard about how I should include some of those travels, and it dawned on me: Throwbacks.
So grab a cup of tea and enjoy the lovely pictures of me in my awkward years.

January 2013: Age 21
Cozumel & Progresso.

Another year, another trip to Mexico.
My college roommates and I were inseparable. In fact, they're still the best friends a girl can ask for.
We wanted to do something BIG for our senior year. Living in Texas, cruises are always an option. We ended up picking a cruise to Cozumel and Progresso. Sound familiar, right? I had actually done this cruise in 2009 with my girl scout troop (click here for that post). It was also my third time to Cozumel. But no matter where you go, a vacation is always determined by the people you go with, so I wasn't complaining.

I will never forget this vacation. Spending 5 days in Mexico with my best friends was more than I could have ever asked for. We had planned the trip perfectly, because the next cruise out on our ship turned out to be THE Triumph disaster. That's right. We were on the Triumph days before it was stranded in the gulf. You can read all about that story here.

Kissing a stingray gives you one year of good luck. So far I am not arguing with that!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. This looks like an amazingly good time! x

  2. I wish I was able to go one trips like this with my girlfriends in college, looks like a blast!

    1. I'm so glad we worked it out because that trip has some of my best memories!

  3. I really want to go to Mexico!
    You looked too cute!
    Make sure to check out my blog:


  4. I think I need to kiss a stingray! Beautiful Pictures :)


    1. Haha, it's been over a year since my stingray kiss, I might have to plan another trip soon! Lol

  5. Mexico seems stunning!



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