28 March 2014

Thoughts From Abroad | Part 24

1) This week's Thoughts From Abroad post is rather short mainly because I have been buried in school work. I've been feeling really studious and inspired this week, and it's actually crazy how much stuff I've gotten done! It's still the early stage of my dissertation process, but it's starting to form itself into a well thought out plan!

2) It's hailed about 3 times this week. So much for spring.

3) I've gotten my boyfriend hooked on American Horror Story! Finally, someone to watch it with me! We're almost done with Season 2.

4) I finished 'The White Princess' by Philippa Gregory in less than two days! I personally think it's her best novel yet. But that may be my bias towards Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. They are, after all, who I am writing my dissertation on.

5) I'm seeing The Wanted in Cardiff tonight with Emily! This is going to be my fourth time seeing them live! Crazy, right? I first met them two years ago and they are seriously the most down to earth guys ever.

No matter how cold it is, there's always time for ice cream. 

Happy Friday!

Daily Diaries with Diaries of an Essex Girl


  1. Stopping by from Kate's linkup :-)

    I still remember when I got my boyfriend into ER. It was so great not having to wait for him to go out to watch my boxsets :-D

    Happy Friday!

    1. Haha, it's great having someone to watch my shows with :)

  2. Omg I remember when you met The Wanted! I remember seeing it on tumblr haha two years thats crazy, I hope you have fun at the concert! :) x

  3. It has hailed here several times this week as well! I am giving up hope for spring.

  4. Speaking of the White Princess, have you seen the mini series the White Queen? I personally loved it though I'm not sure how accurate it is! But you should check it out!

    1. I've seen the series and read the book! It's great! But not all that historically accurate.

  5. I also got mine hooked on American Horror story. It's so grim yet I can't look away! x

  6. I love Philippa Gregory's The Other Boleyn Girl. I love the way she writes!

  7. Someone forgot to give the spring memo to Michigan, chilly cold and snow is our norm these days!

  8. I LOVED season 2 of American Horror Story! What did you think? Be careful with season 3... it sucks.
    Thanks for joining in the link up! :)

  9. I love Philippa Gregory!! I have read a couple of her books now!


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