16 May 2014

Thoughts From Abroad | Part 30

  • I can't believe this is my 30th Thoughts From Abroad post! These have become my most popular posts by far. It's amazing how y'all actually like reading my weekly shenanigans! 
  • On Wednesday I took a little trip with J and his friends down to Weston-super-mare, where I saw the English coast for the very first time. In the 8 months I have lived in England, I had never actually seen the coast! It was a beautiful day on the Grand Pier. 
  • I've been through dissertation hell this week. After my meeting with one of the world's leading Henry VII historians last week, I've been frantically trying to put together a slightly different topic (still Henry VII though). I'm thinking of dedicating a post to my dissertation ramblings soon. 
  • On top of dissertation hell, I've been in essay hell as well. Essay hell ends on Monday, thank God.

  • If you haven't noticed, I'm in desperate need of a break from my masters. My parents and my sister will be here all next week and I couldn't be more excited. This will be my mom's third time to the UK (she's helped me move in my previous two moves), while it will be the first time for my sister and dad! I'm so excited for them to finally see my crazy English lifestyle! 
  • I finally finished Dracula! You remember how I stared it 4 months ago? Well, between all my university work, it had been pushed to the back of my book shelf, completely forgotten about. I rediscovered it Tuesday night and quickly finished it. I admit, it gets pretty slow towards the middle (which is one of the reasons I put it down 4 months ago and forgot about it) but the end is fantastic! 

  • I'm not exactly sure how I feel about Blog Every Day in May now. At first it was fun, but I feel like the quality of my posts have gone down. I'm always a 'quality over quantity' type of girl, but I also hate backing down from a challenge. 
  • I hate to self promote here, but if you need a cheap Sponsor spot, go check out my Sponsor page! I offer a blog introduction in a Thoughts From Abroad post for only $4! 
  • Now that it's officially summer I'd like to plan a trip to mainland Europe sometime soon! Any suggestions?
Happy Friday!


  1. Thoughts from Abroad is great! It really paints a real picture on what's going on in your real life, not just the highlights. :) I actually JUST posted about things to do in Europe throughout the year. (I also hate this self promotion thing) but I think you might find it helpful for making summer plans. :)


  2. Well I am obviously biased but Sweden is really great in summer!

    1. I'd loveee to go to Sweden, especially in the summer months!

  3. Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Greece!

    1. I have a friend who will be in Spain this summer and I'd love to go visit her!

  4. The sea front is lovely in Weston-super-Mare isn't it?! x

    1. It is! J and his friends were telling me "don't expect much" but I thought it was lovely!

  5. Paris is my vote, obviously :)

  6. I have been feeling the same way about my blogging, I would rather have quality over quantity as well. Greece is amazing and I am headed to Croatia this summer which looks wonderful as well!

  7. ...If you're looking for a break from the dreary weather of England, try Andalucia (the south of Spain)!!...


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