15 August 2014

Temple Church | London, England

Temple Church is a site you don't just stumble upon. You have to plan out your visit and boy, do I mean plan. With odd opening hours and a maze of streets to conqueror, getting to the church itself is a hell of a task. Before this particular visit, I had tried to visit the church a total of THREE times. THREE TIMES! All of which ended in defeat. This time however, I planned ahead and checked their website to make sure I wouldn't be disappointed once again. 
Built in the 12th century by the Knights Templar, Temple Church acted as the Templar headquarters in England until the 14th century. The circular design of the nave was a common feature in Templar architecture, as it recreated the building that stood ontop 

After the fall of the Knights Templar, Temple Church was transformed into an educational institute for lawyers, and is still used today as the Inner and Middle Temples of the association of barristers. The church itself was heavily bombed during World War II. 
Although the church was beautiful, and it was fascinating to see some effigies of Templar Knights, the fuss to get to Temple Church kind of put off my experience. Can't win them all.

Happy Friday!

Which movie used Temple Church as the setting of a shoot out? 

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