27 September 2014

A September Catch Up!

As September ends and my favorite month begins, I thought it'd be the perfect time to introduce a new post series: Monthly Catch Ups! Monthly Catch Ups will be a summary of my month and what's on my mind! I still haven't figured out exactly how I want to format these, but things will fall into place as I write more and more of these posts!

Travel | Although I have spent plenty of time exploring the UK, I haven't spent any time on mainland Europe since moving to England a year ago! The summer before I moved here I got a full time job specifically to save for traveling. My masters took up a lot of time, but now that it's over I need to plan trips to the continent. Any suggestions for a good place to do a solo weekend?

Dissertation | I officially handed in my dissertation the first week of September! My finished title: The Great State Occasions of Henry VII. Although my dissertation was a LOT of work, I had fun researching Henry's state occasions. A lot of work went into each event to produce Tudor propaganda, and it made me appreciate Henry's attention to detail so much more!

Work | Since the finish of my masters, I've been able to work more hours. Currently, I'm working four days a week, and although I love my job, it doesn't qualify for a work visa. So, I'm currently on the hunt for a full time job that will allow me to stay in England past January!

Reading | I've been book crazy lately. I'm not sure if it's a side effect of finishing a masters, or the lack of wifi access I have in my new flat. Regardless, I have read some great (and not so great) books lately. To keep up to date with my reading list, friend me on Goodreads!

Autumn | Summer is officially over! Fall (or Autumn as J likes to correct me) is my favorite season, of the year! Pumpkin flavored everything, vanilla scented candles, scarves, and Halloween are some of my favorite things! I've pulled out all of my sweaters and I'm ready to cozy up under the duvet with a good book every night.

Happy Saturday!

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