20 March 2015

Spring Lush Haul

 When I moved back to America I knew there were quite a few UK stores I would miss - Topshop, Primark, and Boots to name a few. Lush however, was on the top of my list. Having stopped by Lush Bristol on a bi-weekly basis for the past year and a half (I promise half of the time it was just to smell things, not to buy), I was super sad to be leaving the store behind. 

Alas! The week I moved back to Houston I found myself wandering the mall, looking at everything that had changed since I moved away. And there, in all it's glittery glory was a brand new Lush store. The best part about this story, I have a bath tub to enjoy! So I went slightly overboard a bought a ridiculous amount of goodies.
BUNCH OF CARROTS (EASTER) | This adorable bubble bar bunch mixes citrus and fruity scents, making it the perfect item for Spring! Bunch of Carrots is well worth the $12.95 as it is a reusable bubble bar! Each carrot is good for 2-3 baths, making the bunch good for 6-9 bubbly baths!

THE IMMACULATE EGGCEPTION (EASTER) | I have to admit, the main reason I picked up this particular bath bomb was the fact that there is a 'surprise' in the middle. Here's how it works. Crack the egg open (I just banged mine on the side of the tub) and inside is ANOTHER bath bomb! The scent is wonderfully citrusy, however the yellow color in my bath reminded me too much of yellow Gatorade. I suggest getting the pink one if you try this 3-in-1 bath bomb!

CARROT SOAP (EASTER) | Possibly my favorite scent from Lush ever, I first tried the Carrot Soap last Easter. A beautiful bright orange, the scent is a nice mix between citrus and fruity. With many soaps I often find the scent doesn't linger on my skin very long. However the Carrot Soap leaves me smelling like Spring hours after use!

GOLDEN EGG (EASTER) | This bath bomb melt is a glittery mess, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Other than providing your bathroom with a layer of never ending glitter, the Golden Egg has a wonderful coco butter and honey scent. The combination of bath bomb and bath melt ingredients leaves your skin feeling extra smooth!

TWILIGHT | A reoccurring purchase of mine, Twilight is a soft Lavender bath bomb that turns your bath an amazing purple color. Lately I've been loving everything Lavender and Twilight is the perfect year round relaxing bath bomb.

DRAGON'S EGG | I was a little skeptical about this particular bath bomb. If I'm going to spend money on bath products, I want them to be a pretty color! However, the citrusy scent pulled me in! When I finally used the Dragon's Egg, I was pleasantly surprised to see some color come through! Just goes to show you can't judge a bath bomb by its color!

A FRENCH KISS | I'm a sucker for anything purple when it comes to the bath. It's just such a pretty color! This bubble bar is fantastic for a late night bath. The lavender scent is relaxing, and the bubbles are just so much fun!

What are your favorite pamper time products?

Happy Friday!

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