07 May 2015

I Believe In Nashville

Oh Nashville. Where do I even begin? 
This past weekend I flew to Nashville to visit one of my very best friends, Leah. Remember Leah? Probably not. She appeared on this blog back in March of 2014 when she came to visit me in Bristol. Leah and I are kindred spirits when it comes to travel and wanderlust, so when she moved to Nashville I knew I would love it. I had never been to Nashville before but had this idea in my head of cowboy boots and guitars (funny coming from the Texan but stereotypes never die). I was pleasantly surprised to find a city with character, culture, and rather fantastic coffee. 

My first impression of Nashville began before I even landed. I was boarding the plane in Houston when someone broke out some iPhone speakers and began playing their own track for everyone getting settled into their seats. Yes, that really happened. I was followed by people singing a few rows behind me and someone even strumming a few cords on their guitar. Needless to say I was totally out of my element and I loved it.

When I landed, Leah proceeded to show me around the city. Since I'm not that into country music I was afraid there wasn't going to be too much to do. Boy was I wrong. We visited museums, walked through parks, and even managed to snap a few pics in front of the 'I Believe in Nashville' sign. The weekend was perfect, so expect more posts coming your way sometime soon!

Happy Thursday!

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