15 June 2015

The French Quarter | New Orleans

The French Quarter is quite possibly the most iconic place in the American South. Jazz music and bright colors come to mind when I think of the vibrant Quarter. When visiting New Orleans the French Quarter draws you in. How can it not? With an exciting history and appealing atmosphere the Quarter is a melting pot of culture that is hard to pass up.

The French Quarter was constructed upon the founding of New Orleans to be the center of the bustling city. Although still referred to as the French Quarter, most of the French architecture in the neighborhood burned down during a 1788 fire that destroyed the city. The beautiful architecture you see today was built by the Spanish in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

The atmosphere in the French Quarter is hard to explain. Tourist and locals alike flock to this historic neighborhood for a day (and/or night) of fun. Every block is home to good food and good music, so it's hard to be disappointed in where you chose to spend your time. If you are lucky you may even see a Second Line Parade, a tradition where a bride, groom, and all their guest walk the streets of the Quarter to the music of a brass band.

Sorry for the photo overload. I'm finding it very difficult to narrow down my 700 photos!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. This post is wonderful - it took me back to New Orleans! My fiancé and I visited a year ago and do many of your pictures remind me of my own! The French Quarter was my favourite part of New Orleans! I loved Jackson Square and the French market! X Carly


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