27 July 2015

2015 Reading Update | 3

When I set my goal of reading 50 books in 2015 I thought there was no way. Yet as July comes to an end I am just finishing up my 31st book of the year and I am beyond excited. I can't even believe at how much I have accomplished! As always, you can keep up with what I'm reading on Goodreads but for now let's dive straight into the books I've been reading lately!

I had seen Rowling's Harvard commencement speech online some years ago, so I was pleased to see the speech had been published in print. Rowling's story is both emotional and inspiring. Her message to embrace life's failures can leave you feeling like you can do anything. The entire book can be read in less than 20 minutes, but proceeds go to charity so buy it and support a good cause!
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The Opposite of Loneliness is a compilation of both fictional and non-fictional essays written Mariana Keegan. Keegan was a promising young writer who died five days after her graduation from Yale. Her talent was unique because she wrote stories that people her age could relate to. I enjoyed both the range of each essay as well as the length Keegan's family and friends went through to preserve her legacy. This book will make you smile and cry, but most importantly it will make you realize how much you can accomplish no matter how young you are.
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PAPER TOWNS | John Green
I had originally read this book a couple of years ago, however with the movie being released this month I decided to reread it. John Green is an exceptional writer and his books are both unique and realistic. Paper Towns is my favorite of his books due to themes of getting lost and addressing the distorted perceptions you create of the people around you. If you're looking for the perfect summer read, I suggest buying this book and bringing it with you to the beach. It's a very light read.
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This book turned out to be something completely different than what I was expecting. On an ordinary day just like any other a woman notices something odd while commuting on the train into London. Her life suddenly becomes intertwined with an open investigation of two people she has never even met. I'll admit, the characters Hawkins created are some of the most dislikable characters I have ever been introduced to, but that is what makes this novel entertaining. There's no sugar-coating, no fluff. The characters are realistic and can relate to almost any reader on some level. Did I think this book lived up to its hype? No, but I did find it entertaining to read for the time being.
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On a recent trip to Dallas, Texas I downloaded Bossypants as my road trip entertainment. Having read Amy Poehler's Yes Please late last year I had high hopes for Tina Fey's book. Let me tell you, listening to Tina Fey tell her hilarious stories growing up had me cracking up the entire trip. Having watched Saturday Night Live from a very young age I was familiar with a lot of the skits she referred to as well as the people she mentioned. Do I think it was the most groundbreaking book I've ever read? No. But it was entertaining as hell and empowering for any woman who has been in the professional workforce.
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Until about a year ago I really hadn't read any Jane Austen other than Pride and Prejudice. However, after picking up Sense & Sensibility I have been loving reading all things Jane Austen. Northanger Abbey has become one of my favorite Austen novels by far. In typical Austen fashion the story follows a young woman looking for love and friendship. However, she has to overcome a few hilarious roadblocks in order to achieve both. The characters in Abbey were developed and relatable, and the plot was funny yet heartrenching. I particularly enjoyed reading all about Bath society, since I have the pleasure to say I am very familiar with Bath indeed.
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I originally read this novel as a 14 year old high school student with no appreciation for American literature. In anticipation for the release of Go Set A Watchman, I decided to reread To Kill A Mockingbird. I can honestly say I absolutely adore this book and appreciate it so much more now as an adult.
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I had heard so many good things about this book, yet I was weary of the idea of reading a World War II novel. My previous attempts in WWII fiction often resulted in me never finishing the novel, or setting it aside for months on end. However, the plot of All the Light We Cannot See fascinated me. The two main characters have so much depth that you can't help but be completely enchanted by their story. A blind French girl and an orphaned German boy are forced to grow up in a world where childhood no longer exists. At over 400 pages, I finished the book in less than three days. Possibly my favorite book of 2015 so far? I known bold statement.
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Where do I even begin? This highly anticipated "sequel" of To Kill A Mockingbird has been all anyone has been talking about for the last couple of weeks. I, like most everyone else who was a fan of Lee's first published novel, was excited beyond belief to read it. However, the further I got into GSAW the more I realized this book shouldn't have been presented as a sequel. In my opinion, it was in no condition to publish. Lee's writing is still exceptional however the plot lacks depth and contradicts TKAB entirely. I still don't know how I feel about it, but I do appreciate the fact that Go Set A Watchman does actually relate to a lot of issues we are facing in American society today.
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Happy Monday!

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