Worms Head | Wales

20 August 2014

Having grown up on the Gulf of Mexico, I spent every summer on the water. However, since my move to the UK I had only seen ONE British beach (and it wasn't all that impressive). I had seen countless pictures of beautiful UK beaches on the internet and I was determined to see a "proper" coastline before summer ended. 

After talking about taking a trip to Wales for ages, J and I finally found a weekend where both of us were not working. So we packed into his parents' car and the four us headed to Wales for the day. 

Our first "proper UK coast stop" was Worms Head. An island that sticks out on the furthest tip of Gower, Worms Head is considered one of the most beautiful bits of coastline in the UK. Whether you are looking to stroll or hike, Worms Head offers beautiful trails accompanied by amazing scenery. 

These next few weeks are crunch time for me. My dissertation is due September 8th! Although I won't be taking an official blogging break, you might see slightly less of me these next couple of weeks.

Happy Wednesday!