Writing your first post in four months can be daunting! So much has happened and I don't even know where to begin. For starters, I hit 1,000 followers on Bloglovin. How that happened during my absence from the blogging world beats me, but for all you new readers, HELLO!
The last time I wrote anything was just a few days after Hurricane Harvey. We survived, although it did give me a memorable start to my first year as a teacher! In the months that followed I threw myself into my job. I honestly had no idea I could love WORK as much as I do now. After years of searching for the perfect career, I've finally fallen into place. I fell in love with my teaching so much that I've barely given any time to myself. Blogging took the backseat in 2017.
I don't want to spend too much time catching up. I have so many photos from the last few months that I've been dying to share! I've been spending my breaks traveling of course, that aspect of me hasn't changed. The first place I want to share with y'all is beautiful Lake Tahoe.
Over Thanksgiving my parents treated the family to a Lake Tahoe/San Francisco vacation. I had never been to Nevada nor California and I was dying to explore that part of the country! I was blown away with the beauty of Lake Tahoe. Going in November meant we were in an off season, making it the perfect relaxing vacation I needed after a crazy few months in the classroom.
We stayed on the Nevada side, Incline Village to be exact, but spent our days exploring both sides of the lake. Every twist and every turned provided us with a breathtaking view.
Over the next few weeks I'm going to make it my mission to start blogging again. Four months is a long time to stay away. I hope you're excited as I am for my return back to the blogging world!