Blog Every Day in May

03 May 2014


I've decided to take part in the Blog Every Day in May challenge!
However, I'm going to be doing things a little differently. 
I will still be posting my usual styled blog posts 3 times a week,
 but the other 4 days will just be a picture or two with a small explanation. 
It's about time I start taking more pictures!

The tulips on College Green.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Hopped over from #BEDM: luv these photos/ tulips. Happy Saturday as well! :) x

  2. Gorgeous tulips. I'm moving into a new place just metres from there next week and can't wait to sprawl across college green and enjoy the sunshine and flowers

  3. Those tulips are so pretty!

  4. Another visitor from the #BEDM tag on Twitter. I love your take on the challenge, what a great idea!

    Those tulips are beautiful. My brother lives in Bristol but I haven't been there in ages. Now I really want to visit again soon.


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